SAKE COMPETITION 2025 Oversea brewed sake category

For all sake brewers outside of Japan!
We are thrilled to announce that the SAKE COMPETITION 2025 will be taking place! We look forward to celebrating the diversity and excellence of sake from around the world in this upcoming competition. The winner of the oversea-brewed sake category will be officially recognized during our award-winning ceremony. It would be an honor to have the winner join us at the ceremony, which is scheduled to take place on June 10th.

SAKE COMPETITION 2025 application outline


Entry application start – March 17th

Entry application deadline – April 11th

Preliminary Judging – May 13th

Final Judging – May 14th and 15th

Announcement of results and Official Event – June 10th

SAKE COMPETITION 2025 is 6 categories

All sake must be commercially available from July 1st 2024 to December 31th 2025 or intended to become available within this period. Regardless of the sales date, name of sake, label and product features have to be fixed before April 25th 2025.

1, Junmai

Sake which qualifies as “Junmai” in Tokutei meisho (Specially designated). “Tokubestu Junmai” , “Yamahai Junmai” and “Kimoto Junmai” also can enter Junmai category.

2, Junmai Ginjo

Sake which qualifies as “Junmai Ginjo” in Tokutei meisho (Specially designated). “Yamahai Junmai Ginjo” and “Kimoto Junmai Ginjo” can enter Junmai Ginjo category. Sake which can be determined as ” Junmai Ginjo”, such as “Ginjo Junmai” is also acceptable in this category.

3, Junmai Daiginjo

Sake which qualifies as “Junmai Daiginjo” in Tokutei meisho (Specially designated). “Yamahai Junmai Daiginjo” and “Kimoto Junmai Daiginjo” can enter Junmai Ginjo category. Sake which can be determined as ” Junmai Daiginjo”, such as “Daiginjo Junmai” is also acceptable in this category.

4, Super premium

Sake which enters for super premium category has to be sold at more than 10,000 yen (720ml) and 15,000 yen (1800ml).

5, Oversea brewed sake

Sake which produced outside of Japan

6, Modern natural

Sake which embrace new value while being produced using traditional methods and philosophies. This category is specifically for "Junmai" in Tokutei meisho (Specially designated) made using Kimoto, Yamahai, or Bodaimoto methods.